Friday, May 18, 2007


Over Spring Break, we had to get up early one morning to take Zachary to the orthodontist. He was a little apprehensive and nervous, but survived his ordeal like all other kids do…and walked out of the office sporting a set of braces framed with red rubber bands. Since then, he’s been proudly displaying his choppers to friends to see their reaction. Most everyone quickly notices his new appearance.

Fortunately, he hasn’t had any issues with them and is good about taking care of them. He gets to choose from 12 different colors each time he has his braces adjusted and the rubber bands replaced. It will be interesting to see what other colors he selects over the next two years. Hopefully all goes well and he only needs to wear braces for the 22 months the orthodontist predicted. We’ll know better sometime in spring of 2009.


I love that smile!
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