Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Zachary had his first international camping experience last month. It was a three-night campout in Gundershoffen, France, over the Memorial Day weekend. He was really looking forward to it, and had told me that his primary interests are technology and camping...that’s who he is. So, even though he’d been camping the weekend before in Garmisch, he wanted to go to this campout as well.

These shots are of their 10-mile hike on the first day there. Beautiful landscape for a campout!

I suggested that he take photos of the unique aspect of Intercamp, namely the campers from other countries. This photo is of a skit performed by some other scouts. Oh yeah, one of the more distinct differences of Intercamp is that it was co-ed.

The next day, he and some of his scout-mates decided to take pictures of the “hot girls” who were walking by their tents. At least they waved to try to get the girls to look their way! This is only one of many photos of “hot girls” walking by Zachary’s campsite. I suppose he followed my suggestion of taking photos of the unique side of Intercamp compared to the more traditional Boy Scouts of America campouts!

Some of the girls were rather scantily clad...bikini tops and shorts. He can definitely say he had a different camping experience this time around!

I think these are the same two girls coming...
...and going!

Notice the different uniforms of the other campers.

Not sure where the band was from.

He only took one photo of the Polish scouters (below), and unfortunately it didn’t turn out very well. But you can still tell that their uniforms were very distinct.

This is the food and mess gear for Zachary’s troop.

Here’s his campsite.

He was proud of the poster, silkscreen shirt, patches and other treasures he brought home, and immediately hung the poster on his door.

Next campout: Camp Baden-Powell, in Sheffield, England.

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I guess Zachary is a lot like his Uncle Bubba --he always liked to look at pretty girls. Papa did,too!
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