Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Update on Zachary’s Campout

Zachary’s first trip to England is being marked by typical British weather: rain, rain, and more rain. This photo is the only visual I’ve seen thus far from the campout and shows four of the leaders, but I imagine it’s pretty representative of what Zachary and his fellow campers have experienced these past few days. It’s blurry, but notice the huge puddle in the background! This photo was taken on Monday, when North England was hit with a deluge of rain. From what I’ve heard, one of the leaders went out and purchased more tarps to hang over the tents to try to keep the rain out.

Fortunately, I received an update from one of the leaders’ wives this evening saying that “all is well” and they had a day of sunshine today. Hopefully that holds true for the rest of the week. I’m sure Zachary will come home with a slew of rain-related stories to share!

Some of the worst-hit towns, from what I can gather, are between 75 and 90 miles away from Camp Baden-Powell. Unfortunately, the camp is just outside Sheffield, which also made the news. The article at right was in today's Stars & Stripes. For BBC coverage of the nearby extreme weather, see this story.

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