Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Almost a Teenager

Hard to believe Zachary is now 12 years old! I can’t be old enough to have a 12-year-old! Alas, he keeps telling me that I am, and I think he’s right on this one.

He had a pretty typical day, although we did treat him to dinner out at our favorite Italian restaurant. Afterward, we celebrated at home with cake and presents. Of course, he loved every bit of the celebration and grinned big as he tore through the wrapping paper on each of his presents.

I tried to convince him to make cupcakes this year since we leave tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving in London (and I didn’t want that much leftover cake waiting for us when we return). But he really wanted a cake, so that’s what we made. However, we compromised and cut the large cake in half to make two small cakes, so I can take one of them to work and share with my officemates and the MP’s who work 24-hours a day securing my building.

In typical fashion, Benjamin enjoyed the celebration as well. I think he’s old enough now to recognize that it wasn’t his turn to open presents, although he did quickly blow out one candle as I was lighting them (not sure how he managed to leave the others lit though -- that takes talent). Notice all the chocolate around his mouth -- he only ate the frosting off his slice of cake. Typical 4-year-old.

My mom keeps telling me that aliens are likely hovering nearby, ready to come replace my wonderful eldest son with a teenage clone. I’m not sure I’m ready for that -- I like Zachary pretty much the way he is and am not ready to have a teenage alien in my midst. The good news is that she also claims that the switch is only temporary (as in, just a few years). If it’s a necessary evil in his maturation process, hopefully it won’t last terribly long, and the aliens will return him to me in good condition.

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