Saturday, November 10, 2007

First Sticking Snow

Benjamin told me last night that he didn’t want me to wake him up this morning because he wanted to wake himself up. Since it’s Saturday, I didn’t object to his request. However, after discovering the remnants of Mother Nature’s overnight mischief (and intermittent additions), each of the kids came into my room -- individually -- to alert me to the white blanket outside. MacKenzie even opened my blinds -- twice -- to make sure I saw the blinding snow with my own sleep-filled eyes.

After breakfast, Benjamin and MacKenzie decided to go outside and explore. Benjamin liked wearing his new snow pants and snow jacket, although he only wore his mittens for a few minutes (I think they are a little big still).

They were both intrigued by the slush forming in the birdbath outside our apartment. Benjamin really liked stirring it around to watch the sticks and other treasures he’s been depositing in it for the past few months.

They decided to head down to the playground to play with the snow there for a while. MacKenzie wanted to make a snowman, and Benjamin wanted to throw snowballs. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough snow to make much of a snowman, so “Frosty Junior” was small enough for her to carry back home (he stayed outside, of course). Benjamin enjoyed throwing a few snowballs at me, until I tossed one back...and he moved causing it to hit him in the neck. He didn’t like the cold on his skin! He’s going to have to learn to wear his mittens soon otherwise his hands won’t survive the winter! It’s kinda hard to play in the snow while keeping your hands warm in your jacket pockets.

This is already the third snow of the year, although only the first to stick around for any significant time. The first snow was three weeks ago, and the second was yesterday morning. I guess Mother Nature was just warming up...and probably still is. I have a feeling this winter is going to be cold and harsh...unlike the mild one we had last year.

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Guys, It really looks pretty. We haven't had any yet, but I'm sure we will get some soon. Benjamin, if you want to make snowballs, you need gloves on to keep your hands warm. Do you have any? Are they to small? MacKenzie, did the "snowman" last a long time? Not bad for the first one of the year with that little snow. By the way, where was Zachary? Was he just staying warm?
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