Thursday, November 08, 2007

Volksmarching, Torch Style

Last weekend we traveled about two hours from home with some friends to Volkach for a Volksmarch. This one was unique because it was an evening walk -- a torchmarch. The kids really enjoyed being able to carry super-sized torches (large candles) during our trek. We waited until dusk to light them since they typically only last an hour each, and we expected to take a little longer than that to complete the 5-km trek. Zachary gave the evening’s safety briefing, and he, Emma and MacKenzie were very careful with the torches.

Evan and Benjamin palled together during our trek, which worked out well. For a short while, they were even our flashlight leaders since we didn’t figure it would have been terribly safe putting torches in the hands of 4-year-olds. They proudly led the way, and even reminded the other three kids to stay behind them since they were the leaders.

Another special job the two young boys had was to get our cards stamped at the halfway rest area. They were so proud, and Benjamin handed the cards over one at a time to make sure they were each appropriately stamped. The trick worked, and neither of them wanted to hold a torch afterward.

Since we had two short-legged kids in tow, we ended up walking at a pretty slow pace. But it made for a nice evening stroll through unlit paths, along a stream and through the outskirts of town.

Fortunately, we made it back to the edge of town just as the last of our torches burned out. Evan and Benjamin really stuck together then, exploring nooks and crannies and a water fountain (Benjamin dipped his flashlight cord into the water). Benjamin also decided that he’d turn invisible by standing motionless when cars passed him. As a result, Bob and the three big kids got ahead of Carolyn, me and the younger boys.

They especially liked window-shopping for toys. Fortunately, the shops were closed so we didn’t have to face the battle of them wanting to go inside.

MacKenzie had previously gone on several volksmarches with Emma and her family, and I did one back in 1993 in the Texas Hill Country, but this was a first for my boys. They are now card-carrying volksmarchers. I was especially proud that Benjamin walked the entire route on his own -- I didn’t carry him for even one step.

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Sure wish I was there to walk with y'all. I had such a good time doing that last year.
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