Monday, February 04, 2008

Boy Scout Sunday 2008

Yesterday was Boy Scout Sunday (not to be confused with Super Bowl Sunday for those of you who don’t have to get up in the middle of the night to watch the game -- kickoff was half an hour after midnight here on “Super Bowl Monday”). Zachary’s friend, Ben, spent the night Saturday night, and they both helped show the Boy Scout presence at church in the morning. They began their assistance by handing out hymnals before service began, even heading outside in the 34-degree cold -- without jackets -- to be the first to greet the worshippers.

Once again, Zachary opted to be an usher during the service and help with the offering. After three years doing so, I think he’s found his calling. He doesn’t have to get up in front of the congregation and read a passage nor does he have to organize anything. Instead, he and Ben (who was also an usher) sat together in the back of the church and performed magnificently during the offering.

It was wonderful to see all the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, adult leaders and parents stand to be recognized during the service. It showed how many people are involved in teaching the boys good, solid values so they can, in turn, grow into tomorrow’s leaders.

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Hi Pam,
I have been using your blog to start my own. Gaylen gave me your website. So far I have posted a bunch of Christmas pictures at: . It has been interesting trying to load pictures with out all the script moving around. Anyway great blog.
Mel Cook
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