Friday, June 06, 2008

Let’s All Do the Hop

MacKenzie loves her school dances, and had been anticipating the Sock Hop with great enthusiasm. Several months before the dance, she found a skirt and shirt that she wanted just for the occasion. I liked the outfit, for two reasons: it was on sale, and it meant I didn’t have to make a poodle skirt.

Here she is with Natalie and Tyler after eating a quick bite of supper and just before heading into the gym for the festivities.

Benjamin wasn’t so sure about the dance, so he perched himself atop the folded floor mats to watch the excitement from a safe distance.

It’s good to know that the classics are still around and that the kids don’t think they’re too dated and “old.” Here they’re dancing to “Y-M-C-A.” I was happily surprised to see so many kids doing the moves!

MacKenzie and Natalie danced a different dance with each new song, and most times stayed in synch with each other.

MacKenzie liked twirling around so her skirt would look full while Natalie head-banged away.

MacKenzie even entered the hula-hoop contest, although she got off to a rough start and didn’t compete very well.

Doesn’t MacKenzie look sweet sitting atop the Harley?

Benjamin decided that he wanted his photo atop the Harley as well. He thought he was lying down up there, which made for a very cute pose. Too bad he wasn’t wearing a plain white t-shirt with a box rolled up in one sleeve!

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