Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Newest Graduate!

Today was Benjamin’s last day of Pre-School. What a day! He’s really enjoyed Ms. Jill’s class this year, and I think he’s very ready for Kindergarten in the fall. Amazingly, the class was 100% boys for most of the year! At the beginning of the year, there was one girl, but she got tired of standing in the middle of the room asking, “Who wants to play dress-up with me?” and having nine boys return blank stares at her. When she transferred to a different class, her slot was soon filled with -- you guessed it -- a boy. I don’t know how Ms. Jill managed with that many little boys in a single class!

I missed his end-of-class party and luncheon today since I had already agreed to chaperone Zachary’s class field trip, but Benjamin seemed to enjoy the day nonetheless (he told me he ate two pieces of cake!). Isn’t his graduation cap cute!?!! He was bound and determined to NOT smile for the photo -- not sure why, other than the fact that it was me behind the camera.

Doesn’t Benjamin look so very proud sitting with the rest of his classmates during the graduation party? Again, all boys (and two were absent for the party) -- I don’t know how Ms. Jill did it!


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