Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Middle School Dance (and next day dinner)

As much as Zachary enjoys camping with his Boy Scout troop, he opted out of the May campout so he could attend his school dance. It was nice that he worked out a carpool arrangement with a neighbor. Just before I drove him and Jenna to the dance, I had to snap this photo -- and her dad took a similar photo “for posterity.” Yes, they are very good friends, but don’t dare let him catch you using the “girlfriend” word.

The next night, he invited Jenna over for supper. Naturally, they sat next to each other...which prompted Benjamin to repeatedly call out in a sing-songy voice, “Zachary’s got a girlfriend, Zachary’s got a girlfriend.” It bothered Zachary a little that Benjamin used the “g” word, but Jenna just grinned and poked at her food while trying not to draw attention to the statement (definitely not denying it!). Oh, you just have to love little brothers at times like those!


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