Wednesday, June 25, 2008


MacKenzie played soccer again this spring, and she really enjoyed it. She split her time between playing offense and defense, but preferred playing offense. When she played defense, she tended to be more static...on and near the defense line in front of the goal.

Her team played its first game of the season in the rain and cold -- typical mid-April in Germany. Fortunately, the weather cooperated for the most of the rest of the games (one was a bit chilly, but it was still sunny and clear).

She’s making improvements with her game -- keeping up with the ball when it’s near her and chasing it down for some good plays. She’s not overly aggressive, nor is she a star player, but she plays a solid assisting offense.

I love the look of concentration on her face -- complete with her tongue sticking out!

When she wasn’t on the field, she would anxiously await her turn to substitute for another teammate.

Here’s another look of concentration while going for the ball -- also with assistance from her tongue.

The best part of the soccer season, however, was receiving a certificate, a medal and two cupcakes after the last game!


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