Thursday, July 24, 2008

Growing Up .. and Up ... and Up

The kids really have grown since we’ve moved here. This became clearly evident when I looked at the marks on the walls annotating their heights. Since I have to clean the walls before I move out, I took photos of their growth. They each have grown nearly five inches in the past two years (when I started making marks on the walls). Wish I had made the first marks when we moved in. Guess I’ll have to do that in our new house.

Zachary is right at 5-feet-tall, although it’s not marked on the wall -- he hit the mark shortly before leaving for the states. I expect he’ll catch up to me before too long!

MacKenzie is now as tall as Zachary was when we moved here. In fact, we hemmed all the long pants we bought her last summer, and before winter was officially over, all the hems were out. Mind you, the hems were significant hems -- of three to four inches. Granted, her pants were slightly long when we let them out, but not so long that the bottoms got frayed when she walked. But, you can clearly see that she grew at least two inches since last summer!

Benjamin has really shot up in height too. I don’t know why I didn’t put a date beside his first mark, but it makes sense that it’s from June 2006. He’s definitely wearing size five clothes now and growing taller by the day. In fact, he stands on the scale almost daily, and gets disappointed when the numbers go down from one day to the next instead of up (he’s currently either 43 or 44 pounds, depending on when he checks). In his mind, he’s growing so the numbers should grow as well. Too cute!

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