Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ulmer-Cook Get-Together

A summer trip back to Delaware just wouldn’t be complete without meeting up with my best friend Megan and our families, and this year was no exception. In fact, when Megan told Lauren about the impending get-together, Lauren replied, “Oh yeah, it is time to see MacKenzie again!” Between their busy summer schedule, and my much-needed shopping excursions, Megan, Dave and their brood made the trek to Delaware. It’s amazing how much the kids grow each year, yet how they all seem to get along from year to year. Here they are all enjoying dessert on the back patio (clockwise from left): Lauren, 10; Jacob, 6, Bridget, 3; Zachary 12½ ; MacKenzie, 10; and Benjamin 5.

MacKenzie and Lauren really hit if off well each summer -- must be that their moms were such great friends growing up...and that they’re only 9 days apart in age. Lauren had been learning how to make friendship bracelets and brought her supplies so the two of them could make some while catching up.

What better way for Megan and me to catch up with each other than working on our own friendship bracelets alongside our daughters. I was amazed at how easily it all came back to me 20-some years after I first learned to make the bracelets -- almost like riding a bike (once you learn, you never really forget)!

Jacob and Benjamin definitely had more energy than the other kids, and spent a good bit of time jumping around to the “Monster Mash” tune blaring on the jukebox and yelling “Monster Mash” in rhythm with each other. Too cute, and very much two little boys!

By the end of the evening, MacKenzie and Lauren each had new bracelets to wear until they see each other again next year. MacKenzie even found her own friendship bracelet kit while shopping the next day, and has been making more bracelets since then. What a wonderful and memorable pastime.

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