Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Visiting Granny

Granny Walker is doing very well, and it’s great to see her each year when we get back to the farm. I think she enjoys our visits, and especially seeing how much her Quarno grandkids are growing.

She was introduced to Andrew this summer, and he seemed to take to her pretty well. Just after I snapped this photo, he leaned over and reached out to her, and she readily took him in her arms.

Of course, half the fun was watching the kids play. Andrew enjoyed crawling around the room.

The next day, MacKenzie took my camera and snapped off several candids. She got a great shot of Granny! Doesn’t she look wonderful?

Finally, a photo of Zachary and me when he wasn’t making a face at the camera (it took four tries and a few stern words -- I suppose it’s his age).

And a nice shot of Nana -- smiling and with her eyes open (prerequisites for a good photo of her!).

What a wonderful candid of Papa! It just goes to prove that you can be young at any age!

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