Saturday, September 06, 2008

Monumental Visits: Lincoln & Washington

No trip to Washington, D.C., to view the monuments would be complete without stopping by the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial. On our way to the Lincoln Memorial, I tried getting a photo of the kids with the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool behind them. Benjamin decided he didn’t want his photo taken, so all you see of him here are his legs and feet. Grr!

When we made it to the Lincoln Memorial, he still didn’t want to cooperate, so sat down next to a pillar and refused to budge...except to slide away from me as I tried to snap a photo of his stubbornness! Fortunately, Papa showed up and stood watch over him while I walked around with Zachary and MacKenzie.

“In this temple as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.”

As we walked up the steps to the Lincoln Memorial, Zachary commented that the steps looked familiar and asked if it’s where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. Sometimes he really surprises me -- I guess it goes to show how mature he’s becoming.

After a discussion with Benjamin about the importance of staying together when traveling, he cooperated for this photo from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial with the Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool in the background.

We got a late start into the city, so weren’t able to get tickets to go into the Washington Monument (it’s free, but you have to get tickets early in the morning). I’m sure I haven’t made my last trek into the city, so will definitely keep that on my list of places to go (when Benjamin’s a bit older and more likely to remember the visit).

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