Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Our Routine

Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog. I know, I know, I was doing so well for a while, getting caught up with posts on our recent travels and activities. But, alas, I’m still woefully behind. I still need to catch up on our travels to London, Italy, Israel, the Netherlands, Normandy, Garmisch and Paris. I’ll try to keep up on our day-to day activities while slowly whittling away at the travel updates. Please bear with me.

Life has been keeping us busy, as I’m sure you can all understand. Now that school is in full-swing, we are slowly getting into a weekly routine. It’s amazing how three kids can keep me on the go non-stop with after-school classes, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, play practices, swim lessons, religious education and the never-ceasing homework (yes, even Benjamin has daily homework!). Here’s a typical week for us:
Monday: MacKenzie began her after-school math class for extra help learning her multiplication tables (I’m so thankful one of the teachers offered this class -- she desperately needs help with rote memorization!).
Tuesday: Zachary began his swim lessons today. I like that he can go to the pool on his own, and I’ll just pick him up when I get off work. The timing worked out well! Following a quick bite to eat, I drop off MacKenzie for play practice then drop off Zachary for Boy Scouts. Benjamin and I spend a little time at the library before picking up the other two and heading home.
Wednesday: MacKenzie’s after-school math class. Every other Wednesday, she has Girl Scouts after school, which will preempt math. I think scouting is important enough that she can miss a few math classes. Starting next week, she and Zachary also begin working on their scouting religious medals. MacKenzie’s working on “God and Family” this year, while Zachary’s working on “God and Church.” Unfortunately, they don’t meet at the same time, so we’ll do a staggered supper while getting them to the chapel at the appropriate times for their studies.
Thursday: MacKenzie has an optional after-school art class. This is a fun activity, allowing her extra time to work on whatever artwork they’ve been working on in class. Zachary’s swim lesson and MacKenzie’s play practice.
Friday: MacKenzie’s after-school math class.
Saturday: MacKenzie and Benjamin’s swim lessons. They’re in the same class, which is helpful for me! I’ve been telling myself for more than a year that I owe it to the kids to get them in swim lessons, so when the new aquatics center opened on base, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally take action.
Sunday: Catch up on other things that have been neglected during the week, finish up weekend homework, get a jump on the upcoming week’s homework (to the extent that we can), and find time to cuddle and play.

We’ll also throw in a few campouts (Zachary), other scouting events (Zachary & MacKenzie), family travels, shopping, unpacking (yes, we still have boxes in the house -- not many though) and fun excursions into the mix just to keep things interesting.

While the schedule above looks horrendously hectic, it isn’t always as bad as it looks. MacKenzie’s after-school math class is slated to run for nine weeks (although she has the option to sign up for the next session). Her art class and Girl Scouts also meet immediately after school, so that’s less strain on me. Likewise with Zachary’s swim lessons -- he can get there on his own. Even MacKenzie’s play practice isn’t every Tuesday and Thursday -- during October it will be sporadic while the director focuses on specific segments of the play (but the trade-off is that the week before the performance, they have dress rehearsals 2½ hours a day, four days a week!). Swim lessons only run a month or so at a time, but I expect we’ll keep at it at least until spring -- just hope I can keep getting time slots that work with our schedule. MacKenzie’s “God and Family” will run for six weeks, and Zachary’s “God and Church” will run for 12 weeks, with the month of December off for the holidays.

Oh yeah, the holidays are just around the corner ... as are two birthdays and a promotion ceremony (with a highly anticipated visit from my parents to help celebrate). Whew! I suppose when I retire from the Air Force, I could get a job as a time management consultant!

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Pam! When's your promotion ceremony????? So exciting! :)
...and I thought that I had a lot going on. Wow, you guys are really busy!
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