Sunday, November 16, 2008

Silly Giggles at Bath Time

We wanted to play Parcheesi the other night, but Benjamin also needed a bath. His solution? Take a quick shower. Two months ago, he wouldn’t have let the water run down his face like this. But, thanks to his recent swim lessons, he’s becoming more comfortable in the water. He even let the water trickle down in front of his eyes too. Awesome! This also led to him having the silly giggles during his shower.

He thought he looked like Santa with body wash on his chin, and started reciting “Ho! Ho! Ho!” while I bathed him. More silly giggles.

After he gets out of the shower, he likes imitating different animals. He usually starts with “Quack, quack, waddle, waddle.” He’s recently added “Ruff, ruff, run, run” and “Meow, meow, walk, walk.” It’s cute to see him impersonate different animals like that. Yup, even more silly giggles.

After getting his pajamas on, MacKenzie read a few books to him. I love how she and Zachary take the time to read to him. He really enjoys it, and they’re good at it (plus, it gives me a few extra minutes to work on something else).

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