Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two-toned cast

Just a quick update to show you Benjamin’s cast. I was frustrated yesterday afternoon when I tried to call and schedule an appointment to get his arm casted -- the ortho clinic wanted to wait eight days before changing him from a splint to a cast! Their reason: “to let the swelling go down.” Hmmm. The ER doc initially didn’t think it was broken in part because there was no swelling. Plus, Benjamin is a rather active 6-year-old. Simply telling him to be careful and not do things (like run, climb, etc) wouldn’t be sufficient for another week. Add to that the hustle and bustle of starting school next week, with recess, classroom activities, lunchroom lines, etc, and there was certainly no guarantee of his arm being adequately protected in just a splint.

Fortunately, one of the parents in Zachary’s Boy Scout troop is an orthopedic surgeon, and Zachary had a scout meeting last night. Tracy and I talked, and she offered to take care of getting Benjamin’s arm casted today. I was very grateful that she squeezed us into her schedule. While he’s still supposed to take it easy (no sports, running, etc), I feel much better about his arm being protected so it can heal.

If you notice, his cast is two-toned. Yup, he couldn’t decide what color to have, and the technician who casted it offered to use two different colors. Benjamin was very pleased with his red and blue cast! Hopefully it doesn’t bother him terribly much during the next three weeks.

On a side note, he’s proudly wearing his Tiger Cub cap. We’re heading to the Cub Scout Carnival on Friday and plan on signing him up for Cub Scouts. Wow!


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