Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thanks, but No Thanks!

The next time Santa asks me if I think the kiddos would enjoy Silly Putty in their stockings, I will tell him, “Thanks, but NO THANKS!” While Benjamin absolutely enjoys playing with Silly Putty, I have found it stuck to too many things that it is not intended to be stuck to, such as coins, Lego people and the TV remote. Do you know how difficult it is to get Silly Putty un-stuck from the tiny rubberized buttons on the TV remote? The Silly Putty attaches like glue since the buttons are rubberized. Trying to rub the remaining ball of Silly Putty over the buttons in attempt to get the concoction to stick back to the larger ball only makes matters worse. Fortunately, Zachary and I took turns freezing the Silly Putty off the remote (using ice in a ziplock bag), and it’s still in working condition... and no worse for the wear.

Unfortunately, the latest victim is Benjamin’s pajama shirt. I noticed he was holding his arms in front of his stomach last night before bed. When I asked him what he was hiding in his shirt, he replied, “Nothing,” and moved his hands away from his shirt to prove his point. Yeah, right -- the Silly Putty was tucked inside his shirt and stayed when he moved his hands. So, he fell asleep with Silly Putty tucked inside his shirt. Since he sleeps on his side and stomach, it caused the Silly Putty to warm up and wholeheartedly embed itself into the fibers of his pajama shirt (and on his sheets as well). Grrrr!

This is what’s left after MacKenzie and I managed to get the bulk of it off. We’ve tried using ice in a ziplock bag again, without nearly as much success as with the TV remote. We’ve tried putting his pajama shirt in the freezer, with the same minimal results. We’ve resorted to old-fashioned scraping. Not fun. It’s back in the freezer overnight, and we’ll re-attack again tomorrow.

Santa, no more Silly Putty, please. And while we’re on the subject of sticky substances used as toys, no more Play-Doh, Goop or Slime either.

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