Sunday, July 05, 2009

Benjamin: Reading Books & Losing a Tooth

I have two quick updates to share about Benjamin. First, he is really on the verge of reading. I caught him the other day with Shel Silverstein’s “A Light in the Attic.” When I asked him if he’d read some to me, he replied that he couldn’t read all the words so he was looking at the pictures. At least he’s honest ... although I’m sure it won’t be long before he’s devouring books!

Second update is that he lost his second tooth this weekend. I tried to convince him to let me pull it about a week ago, but after one tug he screamed his head off and refused to let me try again. So, Friday morning, he awoke me with a kiss (I love how the kids wake me up -- much more relaxing than hitting or staring!) and told me to look in his mouth. Apparently, he wiggled it out with his tongue. He wanted to get this one as loose as his first one was before he pulled it, but it wasn’t quite there. He pulled his first tooth after it could wiggle forward at a 90-degree angle. This one could only bend forward at about 75-degrees. I suppose that was loose enough though!

It’s funny to watch him now -- his bottom jaw is constantly in motion ... a side effect from wiggling his tongue through the extra-large gap in his mouth. He says he isn’t playing with the gap -- not sure why he’s denying it, unless he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. In either case, it’s very cute to watch!


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