Sunday, October 18, 2009

Town & Country Haircuts

Last summer when we were in Blackshear, I took the boys to get their haircut at the “Town and Country Barber Shop.” You can’t get much more old-fashioned barber shop than this. I loved it! Of course, the boys didn’t care -- a haircut’s a haircut to them. This year I timed their haircuts so they’d need a trim while we were there again ... and I brought my camera this time!

Benjamin went first, and did OK for the initial trim. He was still; he was patient, but ...

he wanted to be done when the scissors came out. Fortunately, he cooperated until Mr. Larry was done. BTW, Mr. Larry went to high school with Nana, and he remembered us from last year. I love how everyone knows each other in Blackshear -- even those of us who roll through only every now and then!

Benjamin only squirmed a little for the trim above his ears.

Yes, Mr. Larry’s using a small broom to sweep the loose hairs off Benjamin’s shoulders!

Then came Zachary’s turn. He was not thrilled that I was taking photos, but -- as always -- he survived. The cash register behind him is more than 100 years old, and yes it still works!

Mr. Larry’s barber shop is small and quaint, and looks right out on -- and across -- Main Street.

There are only two barber seats in the shop: one to sit in while getting your haircut, the other to watch the hunting show on TV. Benjamin liked that he could swivel the second chair after his haircut.

The highlight of the trip was getting gumballs from the gumball machine. Mr. Larry gave them two pennies each for the machine -- yes PENNIES! You can’t find penny gumball machines anywhere these days. They boys remembered the gumball machine from last year’s visit, so they came prepared with extra pennies of their own.

MacKenzie even sent a few pennies with them and asked her brothers to bring some gumballs back for her. What a treat to get a handful of gumballs for a penny each -- what a bargain too!

I think we’ll continue to visit Mr. Larry’s Town and Country Barber Shop every time we’re in town!

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