Monday, February 08, 2010

Coca-Cola Santa

I’m fortunate to have a very convenient café in the basement of the building where I work. It’s run by two German ladies who are very energetic and funny. They also let their customers know when there’s something going on in the community that we may not otherwise know about. That’s how I found out that the Coca-Cola Santa truck was coming to Kaiserslautern.

We got there just before Santa climbed back in the trailer to leave, but he did step outside and check on a few more kids before he left. Benjamin was hesitant to talk to him, and seemed surprised that he spoke both English and German. Of course, I told him that Santa has to speak every language so he can talk to all children around the world.

MacKenzie, on the other hand, always enjoys having an audience with Santa.

Soon, Santa climbed back in the trailer and helped prepare the truck for departure to another town.

While we waited to see the truck off, we found my friends in the crepe booth. Jutta was taking orders and making a variety of crepes.

Naturally, Zachary and MacKenzie wanted Nutella-filled crepes. They like crepes so much that they only shared a single bite each with me.

Jutta, Jutta’s daughter and Sandra took a moment to step out of their booth so I could get their photo with my kiddos.

We stayed long enough to see the truck pull out and head on its way.

When we made it home, the snow flurries started falling. MacKenzie ran around the driveway with her tongue out trying to catch them.

Since Benjamin didn’t want a crepe, he convinced me to buy him a tri-color light-saber. He had a blast playing with it and swirling it around to watch his self-made light show.

After a few minutes, he decided to copy MacKenzie and try to catch a few snowflakes as well.

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