Friday, February 12, 2010

Concluding His Spelling Bee Career

As he’s done for the previous six years, Zachary signed up to participate in this year’s school-wide Spelling Bee. We marked the date on the calendar, but I didn’t help him study much since Scripps didn’t send out the Paideia/Spell-It! booklets like they have in the past. Instead, Zachary studied mostly on his own with three lists of grade-level words. But, he felt ready when it came time for him to step on the stage with 15 other 6th, 7th and 8th graders.

Round 1 started with 16 participants; Zachary’s word: squeeze. The second round started with 14 spellers; Zachary’s word: headache. The third round started with 12 spellers; Zachary’s word: significant. Round 4 began with 9 spellers; Zachary’s word: article. All nine spellers remained in round 5; Zachary’s word: subterranean. Round 6 began with 8 spellers; Zachary’s word: larynx. Round 7 had 7 spellers; Zachary’s word: ineffable. Round 8 was down to 4 spellers; Zachary’s word: aggrandizement. Round 9 was down to 3 spellers; Zachary’s word: omniscient. The competition was down to two spellers beginning with round 10, Krystine and Zachary.

Krystine’s word: cajolery
Zachary’s word: analgesia
Krystine’s word: conundrum
Zachary’s word: vengeance
Krystine’s word: analogize
Zachary’s word: photosynthesis
Krystine’s word: calisthenics
Zachary’s word: latitudinarian
Krystine’s word: anemone
Zachary’s word: adieu
Krystine’s word: anticoagulant
Zachary’s word: paramecium
Krystine’s word: pandemic
Zachary’s word: epoxy -- I saw him hesitate, and I could tell he was debating in his mind how to start the word. There’s a subtle difference between the correct pronunciation “EH-poxy” and what his mind registered as “AH-poxy,” and he slowly started “A-P-O-X-Y.” Darn! If Kristine spelled her next word correctly, she would be the champion.

Krystine’s word: furiously -- correctly spelled. She won, and Zachary was the runner-up.

Of note, Zachary and Krystine were the top two spellers in last year's 8-round competition, with Zachary placing first and Krystine second. After Krystine spelled her final word correctly this year (in the 17th round!) and the audience applause ended, her father and I shook hands, and he asked me with a grin, “When is your son outa here?” We both recognized that it was down to the same two spellers as last year. Even the judges and school staff suspected the competition would likely come down to Krystine and Zachary. However, they didn’t expect the spell-off between the two of them to last as long as it did -- eight head-to-head rounds!

Zachary was all smiles after the competition. Finishing in second place is an awesome way to conclude his Spelling Bee career. He’s participated in his school Spelling Bees for seven consecutive years, beginning in 2004 as the only 2nd grader in his school to qualify and placing in the top third against other spellers in 3rd through 5th grades. Since he’s in 8th grade now, this is his last year of eligibility for school Spelling Bees.

Plus, the top two spellers each won a $75 savings bond -- Zachary was very excited about that!


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