Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Double-Duty Boy Scout Sunday

The first Sunday in March is always Boy Scout Sunday. This year was the first year that Zachary and Benjamin were both able to participate in the service as scouts. Benjamin has been reluctant to wear his scout uniform all year (compounded by the fact that I didn’t have all the patches sewn on it), but I managed to get it put together and convince him to wear it to church. The shirt and pants are, admittedly, too large for him -- but I really wanted them to last through his entire Cub Scout years. I’m so proud of my two boys!

Benjamin took to heart his responsibility to hand out the programs as people arrived. Sometimes they could barely get inside the door before he’d thrust a program into their hands. At least he was excited about helping, and many people entered the sanctuary with smiles on their faces.

There weren’t many boys who showed up to help, so Zachary and Benjamin both were able to help with the offering. Fortunately, they were able to pair up a Cub Scout (younger) with a Boy Scout (older) on each side of the sanctuary to help make sure they didn’t miss any pews. They all accomplished their duties flawlessly!

Doesn’t Zachary look so mature here!?!! On a side note, John (the scout with Zachary) had his Eagle ceremony the next day. What an accomplishment!

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