Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Loosest Tooth Ever!

Benjamin has been very adamant about not wanting to even remotely allow me to try to pull his latest loose tooth. He would only allow me to check its looseness with a single finger so I couldn’t sneak a grip on it with my finger and thumb to yank it. He would often make me “pinky promise” or “chain promise” (which apparently is more serious than a simple pinky promise) that I wouldn’t try to pull it.

Each new day he would greet me with a grin and an ever-loosening tooth. Doesn’t it look like it’s ready to simply fall out? Any normal person would think so, but not Benjamin. He’d tell me each night before he went to bed that I was allowed to pull it while he was asleep. Hmmm, interesting thought...and I actually tried a few times. Most nights, he’d clench his jaw tight so I couldn’t get my finger in his mouth to even test the tooth. However, once I was able to wiggle it some but not enough to get a grip on it or pull it.

I told him his tooth was beginning to remind me of Nanny McPhee’s protruding tooth from when she first met the Brown family. He thought it was silly, so he kept pushing his tooth through his closed lips ... then asked to watch the movie Nanny McPhee. He still wouldn’t let me pull his tooth though.

It soon became so loose that he could wiggle it at a 90-degree angle forward. Yup, that’s the bottom of the tooth sticking out between his lips! And no, he still wouldn’t let me pull it. I finally convinced him to let me twist it -- apparently he thought pulling would hurt but twisting wouldn’t. Voila! Out it came!

What a wonderful toothless grin! And to think this tooth was loose several weeks before Christmas -- it took nearly two months to go from loose to out! Next on the horizon, two more loose teeth on the bottom. Maybe they’ll come out by summer!


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