Monday, May 17, 2010

District Derby

Benjamin did well enough during his pack’s Pinewood Derby that he qualified for the district race. I discreetly set aside his car after his pack’s race so he wouldn’t accidentally mess it up before the second race day. He was excited about the race, and I tried my best to prepare him for the possibility that he wouldn’t win first place this time around since there were more entries.

Zachary volunteered to help with the race -- he was in charge of returning the cars to the pit area after each heat. At one point, he ran up to the starting blocks and told the race officials that they had Benjamin’s car placed backwards. What a great big brother to look out for Benjamin and his car!

Benjamin had fun watching the cars race, although he got tired of wearing his neckerchief so he took it off about halfway through the derby.

His car ran in six different heats, and finished between second and sixth. Overall, his car finished in the middle of the pack. I think that’s pretty good for his first year racing, especially since we weren’t going for aerodynamics or speed with his guitar car.

Benjamin won “Best Imagination Theme,” but was disappointed that he didn’t get a trophy to go with the award. He almost threw a fit when going up to get his certificate, and was clearly not pleased. Sigh. At least he went up to receive the certificate...and he knew that I wasn’t pleased with how he handled the situation. Guess he needs to work a little more on being gracious when others win or do better than him -- I know it can be a difficult lesson to learn.

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