Monday, June 21, 2010

His Ever-Changing Smile

Benjamin is definitely growing up, and gives me little reminders that he’s not a little boy any more. The most noticeable of these signs is his ever-changing smile. He’s lost three teeth in a span of 32 days, and his top two front teeth are slowly emerging and filling in his oh-so-cute gap-tooth smile. First, he lost his second tooth on his top left (gotta love his red mustache from his Cherry-pomegranate Crystal Lite!).

Then, while we were at Disney Paris, he lost his second tooth on the bottom right. This really gave him an odd look with caddy-corner gaps in his smile. Fortunately, he’d planned ahead and brought our Tooth Fairy hippo with us to Paris so the Tooth Fairy could find him there.

Just the other day, he finally lost his second bottom left tooth. It had been loose for a while, but he was adamant that I couldn’t pull it. He’d let me wiggle it most nights when I brushed his teeth, but that was the extent of what I was allowed to do. Then, the evening of the last day of school, he pulled it himself. Yeah! I think his smile will stay put for a while (with the exception of his emerging front teeth) since his second top right tooth isn’t even the slightest bit loose. He fell a few days ago and scraped up his the palm of his hand, hence the bandage.

Here’s a close-up of his current smile (messy mouth and all). Tooth total: 7 lost, 4 new. His top two front teeth are really coming in and filling in his wonderfully adorable gap-tooth grin. Guess that means he’s entering the world of the big kids now. {sigh} It also looks like there’s some crowding going on there that we’ll have to address in a few years.


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