Wednesday, May 19, 2010

National Junior Honor Society Induction

Zachary and MacKenzie were both recently inducted into National Junior Honor Society. They have to maintain a 3.0 GPA to be considered, then receive recommendations from several of their teachers before actually being selected. Selection is based on citizenship, service, leadership, scholarship and character. Since only about a third of students who are eligible are selected, I was doubly pleased that they both made the cut this year!

I love watching them interact with their peers when they think I’m not looking. However, Zachary knew I was trying to get a photo of him, so wasn’t very cooperative. I was very fortunate to have snapped this one without him making a face at me or hiding from the camera.

Nana and Papa had arrived for their Spring Break visit a mere hours before the NJHS Induction Ceremony, so Nana was able to witness the momentous occasion (Papa took Benjamin to his Cub Scout den meeting so he wouldn’t miss out on that field trip).

They’re already talking about which service projects they’ll help with in order to maintain their membership. I love that the organizations they’re involved with teach such solid values. Oh, and MacKenzie’s not short...Zachary’s simply sprouted (he’s nearly eye-to-eye with me!).

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