Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Karlsruhe Zoo

Shortly before the end of the school year, Benjamin’s class went on a field trip to the Karlsruhe Zoo, and I was fortunate enough to be able to go along and chaperone. We travelled by train since Karlsruhe is at least two hours’ drive away. It took us nearly that long on the train too (with a connection each way), but the kids enjoyed the experience of riding on the train. Benjamin brought a few books with him, but read for less than half an hour. He spent the rest of the time talking with his friends and eating snacks. Simon was paired up with Benjamin and me for the trip.

When we got to the zoo, Benjamin and Simon easily decided to pal around with Nicholas and his mom. These three boys really got along well, stayed together and enjoyed looking for the different animals.

We started the visit with a boat ride to the opposite end of the zoo. While we were on the boat, Benjamin called out, “Look Mommy, PEOPLE!” How funny that he was excited about seeing people walking along a path while we were on a boat. Never mind the ducks, pelicans and flamingos -- the people were much more notable! Ha!

Several boys from the class met up at this large chessboard and worked together to get it set up correctly. Fortunately, after moving a few pieces they all were easily coaxed into looking for animals.

The elephants...

Benjamin was hesitant to pet many of the animals in the petting zoo area, but did wave at this ram.

The boys really had fun watching the polar bears. So much so, that we sat on a bench next to their enclosure while we ate our sack lunches. The boys ran up and down along the plexiglas so they could keep up with the one bear that was swimming. They probably burned just as many calories as what was in what they ate!

Posing next to the giraffe exhibit.

After going inside the giraffe house, Simon and Benjamin pulled out the map to help them decide where to go next.

Nicholas’ mom and I were saddened by the condition of the camels, with their hair falling out in clumps and a sagging hump.

One of the gorillas was named Benny. Benjamin thought that was great!

Just before it was time for us to leave the zoo, we got a little snack -- chocolate covered waffles. Yummmmmm! It was too chilly for ice cream, so this was the perfect treat!

This is Benjamin’s entire class posing at the zoo entrance before heading back across the street to the train station. Notice all the winter coats and jackets? It was mid-May! Regardless of the temps, it was a great day (and no rain!).

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