Friday, July 30, 2010


Back in May, Benjamin’s Cub Scout den had an “unofficial” fishing and camping trip. We went to a private pond where we spent the afternoon with a bunch of first graders and their families. We started out by fishing around the pond. We don’t have our own fishing rods, but several folks brought extra so no one was ever at a loss for a rod.

Benjamin and MacKenzie tried from several different spots around the lake...on the little dock, in the shade, under a tree...with varying degrees of success. Fortunately, they were pleased whenever they caught something, and didn’t get too discouraged when they didn’t (they just moved to a different spot).

Of course, we did the catch-and-release variety of fishing...I had the distinct pleasure of taking the fish off the hooks, although MacKenzie managed to do so a few times.

Benjamin found a perfect-sized chair in a shady spot and sat for a spell.

Here’s a good-size fish that Benjamin caught.

Mackenzie also found a shady spot from which to fish for a while.

Benjamin liked tossing the fish back in the pond...after I took them off the hook, of course!

After a while, we switched over to bb-gun shooting. The parents had blown up several bags of balloons for the kids to shoot. It was a great hit -- literally!

It didn’t take long for Benjamin to get his form correct.

Yes, they used “Red Rider BB Guns!”

Next on the agenda: supper, followed by roasting marshmallows. Benjamin started out with two at a time.

Then he moved on to six at a time!

Fortunately, he offered to share a few of his marshmallows so he wouldn’t get a stomachache.

After supper, we all headed back to the pond.

It was so nice and relaxing to sit and fish -- whether the fish were biting or not.

Before retiring for the evening, they played bocce. Benjamin and MacKenzie really enjoyed playing -- and tossing the balls around the campsite. When I first told Benjamin about the fishing/camping day, he decided he only wanted to fish but didn’t want to sleep in a tent. Based on that, I didn’t bring our tent and sleeping bags. However, when we started to pack up to head home, Benjamin tried changing his mind. When it came time for his pack campout the following month, he decided ahead of time to spend the night and we were better prepared.

Overall, the day was a great success: fishing, shooting bb-guns at balloons, playing bocce, roasting marshmallows over the campfire, setting tadpoles loose, more fishing and running with sticks. Benjamin said “everything” was the best part of the day. Guess you can’t get much better than that!

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