Thursday, August 05, 2010

Cub Scout Day Camp

The week after school let out, the local Cub Scouts organized a Cub Scout Day Camp week. This was the first Cub Scout camp Benjamin attended, and he really seemed to enjoy it. Zachary was even old enough to volunteer at the camp, which worked out great so he wasn’t bored that week!

I didn’t get to go visit during the camp, but a friend took these photos of Benjamin shooting the bb-gun and doing archery. These are the two activities that the scouts can earn belt loops for their uniforms that must be done at a sanctioned Cub Scout event. Benjamin did so well that not only did he earn both belt loops, but he also earned the bb-gun academic pin, which includes doing five additional requirements!

I don’t think he cared much about earning the belt loops or pin -- he just wanted to have fun, which he did!

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