Friday, April 14, 2006


I had been told that we live fairly close to the Ritter-Sport chocolate factory, and since I have a sweet tooth for the delectable confection, I knew I needed to make a trek to see it for myself. On Thursday, we finally decided to do so.

The museum itself was relatively small, but very informative. Zachary and MacKenzie had a 12-page quiz to work on but only managed to complete about a fourth of it. They would have had to stop and read every exhibit to find all the answers (and as Zachary said, he didn’t want to do work while on Spring Break). They did, however, enjoy the miniature factory model that included a miniature truck that delivered miniature chocolate bars to kids in line. There was one variety that really surprised Zachary and me--it was a firecracker variety that actually seemed to pop inside your head about 30 seconds or so after you finished eating the chocolate. Very interesting!

But, the best part of the day was shopping in the gift shop. Being a chocolate factory, I’m sure you can guess what items we had available to select from. They even had some new flavors and varieties that I haven’t seen before. I don’t think I’ve ever spent as much on chocolate at a single time as I did yesterday! But, the prices couldn’t be beat…so I’ll hold onto them and ration them out. Mom bought even more than me, but is planning to give some away as gifts when she returns home. I’d definitely appreciate being on the receiving end of that arrangement!!

Very delicious day!

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