Sunday, August 06, 2006

On Top of the World

The weekend before we headed back to the States for our vacation, Zachary joined some of the boys in his Cub Scout den for a hiking trip to Garmisch. They experienced a tire blow-out on the way there and had to put up with unexpected downpours of rain that managed to find its way into their tents at night, but he still said he thoroughly enjoyed the trip. They went to a water park, spent two nights in the mountains and rode the gondola up the mountain so they could hike further up from there. His den leader commented that he pushed himself on the hike/climb more than she’s seen him do previously…and he had a good feeling of accomplishment when he made it to the top. And what a view of the northern Alps and the valley below!!

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What beautiful scenery! I do love the one of Zach on the mountain.
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