Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Gradual update #10 -- Prayer Monitor

I must apologize…I’ve been terribly negligent in my updates lately. The last several posts were short and sweet, but not very recent. I’ve been meaning to update everyone on our latest travels, but after I got back from Berlin Zachary & MacKenzie were wrapping up their school year and we were gearing up for our trek back to the States. While in the States, I didn’t have much internet access so it wasn’t possible for me to make updates from there, and when I returned home I fell into a firestorm at work--busy with the activities going on in Lebanon, Israel and Cyprus (working several 12-13+ hour days). I had to get up early for a trip to Austria on Saturday (more on that in a later blog--smile), and only finished unpacking and catching up on sleep on Sunday. All of this activity only means I’m now that much further behind on updating the blog. But, I don’t plan on giving up on the updates, so, rather than inundate you with everything all at once, I’ll soon pick up where I left off (just be sure to keep checking back so you can keep up on our recent adventures in the States as well as my ongoing travels here in Europe while the kids are visiting with Matt). In the meantime, here's another gradual update to whet your appetite.

Benjamin has taken to becoming our prayer monitor at suppertime. He will help us remember to say the prayer, and watches to make sure everyone correctly folds their hands. Sometimes we have to say the prayer three to four times per meal to help satisfy him. He even has his own prayer that I absolutely adore: "Tuke-tee, Amen" (translation: "Thank-you, Amen"). How cute!


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