Friday, July 28, 2006

Gradual update #11 -- First Snow

I've been trying to finish my Berlin post, but the photos are being stubborn and not, here's another gradual update from the fall. Kinda ironic that this post is about our first snow of the winter, and I experienced my first summer snow last weekend (another hint about my Austria trip). I'm leaving in a couple hours for Italy, but hopefully when I return the Berlin photos will be more cooperative.

Considering that the kids hadn’t really seen true snow, they were very excited when we had our first snowfall on Nov. 18. Unfortunately, it still wasn’t enough to count as a good snowfall. But Zachary and MacKenzie had fun playing in it--trying to gather enough snow to make and throw snowballs. Benjamin wasn’t so sure about getting his hands cold though...he liked the idea of being outside until he reached down to touch the snow like Zachary and MacKenzie were doing--once was enough because it was too cold for his liking.

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I'm with Ben --I love the snow but not to hold it in my bare hands. I bet snow boots and gloves were ordered soon after this snow fall!
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