Thursday, August 03, 2006

Gradual update #12 -- Zachary’s 10!

OK, I was about to post photos from MacKenzie's birthday party, but realized I couldn't do that yet since I didn't post these photos of Zachary's big day...when he turned 10. It really hit me that he's now a decade old (I'm not old enough to have a 10-year-old!), but I'm really not ready for him to be 11 in another few months. I suppose time doesn't stop, and no matter how much I threaten to put books on top of their heads to keep them from growing taller, they continue growing taller, smarter and more mature (sometimes) every day.

Hard to believe Zachary’s a decade old already! What happened to my precocious little boy!?!! Times they are a-changin’! We tried to go see Harry Potter #4 at an original-language theater in Vaihingen on his birthday (Nov. 20), but our reservations didn’t take, so we had to wait until the following weekend. So, instead, we celebrated his birthday by splurging at a delicious ice cream place in the nearby mall...and, of course, having cake and opening presents at home.


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