Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gradual update #8 – St. Martin’s Walk

I know, I're all waiting for more recent updates. My time has been getting away from me lately, although I couldn't honestly tell you where it's disappeared to. Sooooo, here's another fall update to tide you over a little while longer.

On Nov. 8, the first and second graders participated in a St. Martin’s Walk, reenacting the good deed performed in the 4th Century by Martin of Tours, later a monk and then the Bishop of Tours, who cut his cloak in half to share with a beggar who was dying in the cold. It was a rather chilly night, but MacKenzie had fun on the walk carrying a lantern that she had made in class...and spending extra time with her classmates…Emma is in the top photo with her, Natalie in the one below. It certainly is interesting learning about and participating in German traditions and customs!

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