Monday, October 09, 2006

Dover Downtime

My brother and his wife and daughter flew out to Dover so they could see Mom & Dad’s new house before we all headed down to Georgia for the next portion of our summer getaway. This was the first time I met my niece Rachel--what a cutie! She’s such a pleasant little baby…and she seemed to take to me right away (which naturally melted my heart). I loved cuddling with her, and MacKenzie enjoyed playing with her just as much.

Zachary and MacKenzie really enjoyed getting to spend time with my brother, who they call Uncle Bubba. I love this photo of David and MacKenzie having fun in the backyard.

Zachary, instead, preferred spending time with David taking apart Mom and Dad’s old (crashed) computer and learning how a computer is put together. David works for Dell and is Microsoft-certified, so Zachary essentially took one of David’s classes in Nana and Papa’s basement--and took very thorough notes. What a coup!

The four grandkids got along really well, but didn’t like to sit still for very long…as is evident by this photo. Zachary and MacKenzie were very patient as we waited for Benjamin to look at the camera while at the same time trying to keep Rachel happy and from sliding down too far. She started off sitting in Zachary's lap, so you can see that it took a while to get this shot!

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I can say that the last picture shows four of the cutest kids in the world. This Nana is sure they are also the sweetest!!
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