Sunday, September 24, 2006


Once again, my apologies for taking so long to post an update. I’ll try to do better, but work, school and scouts seem to dominate our time of late.

Shortly after school let out back in June, the kids and I headed back to the States for a little R&R. One of the first things we did there was head to Philly to see The Lion King Broadway Show. The costumes and music were wonderful! Zachary and MacKenzie both said their favorite character was “Nala.” Papa was surprised that they both liked the same character, and even remembered her name. What he didn’t realize is that we have the movie on tape, which is how they understood the storyline and knew/remembered who the characters were. I think there’s a copy of the movie at his house as well…maybe one of these days he'll need to pull it out and watch it.

The next day we headed to Dover Downs so my dad and I could try to tame the Monster Mile. Unfortunately, it was raining and didn’t quit. While waiting to see if the rain would let up enough for the track to dry, we were allowed to visit all the cars...and trucks…in the pit. The weather was stubborn and didn’t cooperate, but the kids really enjoyed loved climbing in and out of the cars though. In fact, I think the kids had more fun this way than if they had watched me drive several miles around the track.
After the kids thoroughly explored each of the vehicles, Benjamin opted for another round of fun…playing in the rain as it poured off the pit row awning. We even came home with a few souvenir tire bolts...MacKenzie especially liked the one she came home with since it had a little pink on it--her favorite color!

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