Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Triple Birthday Fun

On MacKenzie’s birthday, we celebrated three birthdays--Papa's 64th on June 24, her 8th on June 27, and Benjamin’s 3rd on July 14 (a little early).

After patiently waiting through MacKenzie’s birthday party a couple weeks earlier back in Germany and her round of opening gifts that evening, Benjamin was very excited (to say the least!) when we pulled out his gifts and told him it was his turn to have a birthday and open presents. It was finally his turn, and he could hardly contain his enthusiasm!Papa’s participation was limited to sharing the Madagascar-themed cake and enjoying watching two of his grandkids with their gifts. Benjamin's cake-devouring technique was isolated to the frosting...which he thoroughly enjoyed.
When it was time for birthday spankings, Benjamin wasn’t sure he understood the tradition…although he obliged without protest (everyone was gentle with him). MacKenzie opted to work on her soon-to-be-patented Eyeore look.

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