Friday, November 10, 2006

Gradual update #17 -- ’Nog-staches

’Tis the season once again…for eggnog. MacKenzie and Benjamin absolutely love the stuff, while Zachary and I won’t even partake of a single sip all season. These photos were taken last year, but they’re up to the same antics again this year since the eggnog cartons are already lining the commissary shelves, and they remind me each time they join me on the shopping excursion to pick up a carton or two. Their real joy lies in having a cup most nights before bed and trying to see who can create the biggest (and messiest) ’nog-stache. I think they both do pretty well meeting the objective. Benjamin asks me to pick him up to look in a mirror after each attempt so he can admire the handiwork adorning his top lip (I don’t know why the bathroom mirror won’t work--probably because he could step on a stool and check for himself, and therefore not force a silly reaction from me). Eggnog is definitely one of the highlights of their holiday season!

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