Saturday, October 21, 2006

Farm Getaway: Family Togetherness

As I mentioned earlier, heading to the farm really rejuvenates me, and I enjoy spending time with family members who I don’t get to see as often.

We had all five of Granny Walker’s great-grandkids together for the first time: Ava, Zachary, Benjamin, MacKenzie and Rachel. Lealane chose not to include her belly in the photo with great-grandchild #6--she said we could wait until next summer to include Olivia in the group photo.
Leslie, Rachel & David flew out from Austin.
My kiddos and I came from Stuttgart, Germany, and enjoyed an afternoon swimming in Lealane’s pool.
My five cousins: Hannah, Lealane, Sam, Cassie and Quincy.
And a special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom (60 today) and my Aunt Gail (50 today)!! Hope you both are enjoying your special days!

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