Monday, November 06, 2006

Commentary on Saddam

I usually don’t post commentary on current events since I would rather share our travel experiences here in Germany, but I had dinner last night with a group from church that included an Army officer who had been in charge of “Iraqi public property” shortly after the fall of Baghdad, and need to share what he told us. We were discussing current events, and he mentioned Saddam’s trial verdict being announced (guilty, sentenced to hang). He went on to relate two stories, and added that he had talked to several Iraqis who were present at these events and confirmed their validity.

He began the first story by describing the size of a table in Saddam’s palace: “U” shaped and large enough to fill most of a school gymnasium. Saddam was hosting a dinner in the palace, and the table was full with invitees. As the dinner continued, Saddam stood up and gave his usual speech stating how great he was and praising his rule. He then went on to say that there was someone among them who had betrayed him, but that the individual had been punished: he had been poisoned that evening. Everyone at the table became nervous, wondering if they were the one. Just then, guards came out and stood behind several people at the table. Apparently, more than one person had been poisoned, and it was soon evident who the three individuals were. When they tried to get up to leave, the guards forcefully kept them in their seats…until the poison kicked in and they died.

The second story was shorter, but more gruesome. Saddam was hosting a party, and again had invited numerous people to attend. After a similar speech about someone betraying him, a single individual was forcefully taken to the front of the room, to be mauled to death by dogs in front the entire gathering. Some party.

The dinner discussion also touched on how women were treated in Iraq. One Iraqi had expressed to him that things had been better under Saddam’s reign, but when he asked the Iraqi man if things had been better for his daughters, the Iraqi hung his head in shame because he knew the potential fate of his daughters under Saddam. Women could be taken at any time (even in the presence of their husbands) for the pleasure of the elites--including visiting “Uday’s Love Shack.” If they were lucky, they would be released a couple weeks later. If they were extremely lucky, and found favor with Uday and his colleagues, they would receive a token gift of appreciation--a boom box.

I know Saddam Hussein is an evil man, and I’m glad that his trial ended with the guilty verdict. I just hope that Iraq will not be drawn into a civil war between the Shi'ites and the Sunnis, and that the country can mend itself, recover and become a viable, stable place. Only time will tell...and probably quite a long time...


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