Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Gradual update #15 -- More Snow

We had our first snow flurries of the season last week, so I figure it's appropriate to share these snow photos from last year. Benjamin really didn't care for the snow on his hands (too cold for his liking), but he didn't particularly like wearing his mittens either. I ended up getting him a pair of snow boots, which he eventually warmed up to wearing because it meant he could walk in the snow while dragging his feet and kicking up little puffs of the white stuff.

Zachary and MacKenzie enjoyed the snow, but at this early stage in the season hadn't truly experienced snow yet. I'll share other photos showing them really enjoying the white powdery stuff.

As I said, Benjamin didn't like wearing his mittens, and would often have them off his hands before we were completely out the door. The compromise was that if he didn't wear his mittens, he had to keep his hands in his pockets. He did this often enough that it became second nature for him to keep his hands warmly tucked away.

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