Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Gradual update #13 -- Esslingen Christmas Market

I know this post is really dated, but I figure it's appropriate to post it nearly a year later since the Christmas markets are about to open up again. Not sure which ones we'll try to hit this year, but I'll definitely enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmastime in Germany! My parents will also be here for the opening days, and I know Mom wants to experience at least one Christmas market as well.

The Esslingen Christmas Market is one of the oldest in Germany, so I’ve been told. We were invited to go with the Mocks to this market the day after Thanksgiving last year. I was looking forward to it, and enjoyed looking around. It had a very Medieval theme to it. Zachary and MacKenzie enjoyed throwing heavy metal balls at chicken eggs set in a divot in a tree stump to try to crack them. Neither of then managed to do so, but they both earned a small crystal as a prize for trying.

While we were there it really started snowing, and the temperature definitely wasn’t rising. It made for a beautiful, but very bitter, cold. After a while, Benjamin became uncomfortable, saying he had a boo-boo on his feet. I think they were getting so cold that he couldn’t stand it, so we ended up heading back home without buying anything. By then the snow was really blowing!

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