Sunday, February 11, 2007

Goodies from Italy

I just returned from a few days TDY to Naples for a summit with the Navy folks there. We stayed busy, but also managed to head out for dinner at a few wonderful local restaurants. I also realized that I went to tech school with one of the individuals who had also flown in for the summit. Since he’s Navy (naturally), our paths haven’t crossed since we were in class together more than 12.5 years ago!

The kids did well while I was gone, as always, and were very excited when they saw the goodies I brought back: food. When we were traipsing through Italy over Christmas, they all fell in love with the pasta and other delicious food, so I had to find a few items to bring back so we could enjoy a taste of Italy back at home. Luckily I found several bags of make-at-home spaghetti sauce (simply combine with warm olive oil), a few varieties of pre-made sauces and a package of fresh mozzarella cheese.

We had angel-hair pasta last night (which Zachary calls “mouth-o-dynamic” because of how easily the thin pasta glides through his mouth) with one of the jars of sauce, topped with freshly-shredded mozzarella cheese...and it was absolutely delicious! Zachary and MacKenzie provided most of the work to grate the mozzarella, so we now have a bowl in the refrigerator for future dishes. I don’t expect it will last terribly long though!

As an aside, Nana was tickled at Zachary’s preference for angel-hair pasta (also her favorite). He’s definitely her grandchild when it comes to food preferences. He’s also taken to eating tomatoes as a snack. But, instead of slicing them like Nana does, he simply washes them and bites into them like an apple! He did the same with fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes when he was two years old. I guess some things never change!

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I am thrilled that Zachary got something from me----besides my abilities in math!!
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