Sunday, March 25, 2007

Brownies in Church...and Odd-ball Nap

Figured I would share a photo of MacKenzie during Girl Scout Sunday earlier this month. There were quite a few girls who participated, including a wonderful reception group welcoming worshippers as they entered the chapel. MacKenzie was told that she could help with the offering, but was relieved when she looked to the back of the sanctuary and noticed four older scouts already lined up to manage the plates. Maybe next year when she’s a Junior Girl Scout she’ll feel up to more participation. But, she was very quick to gather hymnals and programs left in the pews after the service and return them to their proper place in the back of the sanctuary. And, just as with Boy Scout Sunday, she and Zachary made a beeline to the snacks for fellowship after the service.

Benjamin didn’t have a scheduled nap that afternoon, but he sure did crash shortly before supper time! I don’t think he’s ever crashed out on the couch like this before, but I suppose it meant he really needed the nap. Afterward, he stopped by Zachary’s room to apply some Speed Stick to his forearms. We could definitely smell him coming after that!

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Oh boy, I bet Ben sure did smell good !
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