Thursday, March 08, 2007

Blue & Gold Banquet

The day after MacKenzie’s Thinking Day was Zachary’s Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet. This was his last banquet as a Cub Scout since he’s bridging up to Boy Scouts later this month. The banquet coincides with the anniversary of Cub Scouting and is where each level of scouts moves up to the next level.

Each scout was asked to make a cake. Most of them followed the event theme: “Knights” with their creations. Zachary, instead, opted to make probably the only healthy cake there: angel food cake topped with sliced strawberries. The cakes were judged on a variety of criteria, then afterward each scout brought his cake back to his table to share with those around him. However, when Zachary went to retrieve his, it was halfway gone! It made him feel good that people were looking forward to his healthy creation so much that they snitched ahead of time.

After time to devour the desserts, the agenda moved forward to progress the boys through the ranks. Since the Webelo II’s (Zachary’s age-level) won’t progress until they cross over into Boy Scouts, Zachary was asked to help the other scouts progress by painting on their faces. He was proud of the fact that this is probably the only time that he’ll be on that end of such a ceremony, so he reveled in performing his duty.

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