Saturday, March 24, 2007

More Spring Snow

Once again, Old Man Winter seems to be winning out over Mother Nature’s declaration of Spring. Yes, we awoke to more snow this morning, although this time was only an inch or so. After a lazy morning, MacKenzie and Benjamin were excited about heading outside to play in what may be the last snow of the season (at least I hope so). Surprisingly, Zachary decided to stay inside to read a book.

We spent almost an hour and a half just wandering around the neighborhood, sliding down hills, throwing snowballs (mostly at me--doesn't Benjamin look like he could be a future baseball player!?!!), and stomping on clumps of snow. After a while, they decided to head back home to build snowmen. MacKenzie even used her sled to bring back a large chunk of snow to use as the base for hers. Benjamin found a twig during our meandering that looked (to him) like the perfect snowman mouth, and he held on to it to use when his snowman was complete. Since I couldn’t quite figure out how to use it as any semblance of a mouth, he agreed that it could be used as hair. While we were building his snowman, he was adamant that we were not going to put a hat on it so it would come to life like Frosty. He wanted his snowman to stay put right where we built him...and not talk or run away! Too cute!!

MacKenzie was slightly disappointed in her snowman since she thought it was too fat! I was surprised at that since she was searching out the largest clumps of snow to use as the three body parts, and even had to have me help carry one of them since it was too large for her to carry on her own. This month’s snowman was easier to create than January’s since this snow was more wet and easier to pack. Definitely allowed for a taller snowman! Fortunately, the neighbor boys didn’t knock over her frosty creation before we went inside for the evening. She was worried about that!

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I love the hair on Ben's snowman!!What a great job he did with that. Sure am glad that MacKenzie's snowman survived for a while.
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