Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sleepy Stubbornness

Benjamin’s been going through a spell of not wanting to stay in bed when it’s time to go to sleep. He’ll repeatedly get out of bed asking for a drink of water, claiming to have to use the potty (when he actually doesn’t), wanting to give me another hug, or insisting there’s something scary under the train table in his room. My ears are getting pretty adept at hearing him silently sneak down the hallway with his next stall tactic, so I can usually call out “Get back in bed” without actually laying eyes on him.

On occasion, I’ve even caught him laying on the floor with his head on one of his small pillows as he cautiously peaks around the corner. Most times, he’ll patter his way back to his room and crawl into bed on his own with a terse reminder from me.

However, last night, nearly two hours after he originally went to bed (and after his drink of water and potty delay tactics), I heard a deep sigh from the hallway. Rather than simply calling out to him, I decided to investigate. I’m glad I turned on the light instead of merely walking down the hallway in the dark. Here’s what I discovered...

I doubt he was very comfortable, but he was definitely stubborn enough to not remain in his bed at bedtime! When I carried him back to his room, he merely picked up his head, wearily looked around, and melted onto my shoulder. He hardly moved as I laid him in bed. Out like a light…and in bed for good that time!


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